Special Event - "Donate A Blanket, Save A Life" Project Pastor Ravi: "Praise the Lord. Glory to God in the highest. I would like to thank all of our amazing supporters. Your contribution is deeply appreciated with which we work. I am writing to sincerely thank you for your generous donation to our campaign 'Donate A Blanket, Save A Life' project for the less privileged, homeless and slum families. We are very thankful to you from the core of our hearts. We are so happy to have a kind donor like you. Your financial support made it possible for us to continue distributing blankets to those who are most needy in the winter season. Without your financial contribution, we would not be able to give blankets to the needy underprivileged living in the open on the streets, rag pickers and slum families. Your commitment and continued contribution is the reason we are making a positive impact in the lives of the vulnerable families and children we serve in the Children of Hope School. Your Donation for each blanket made a great difference to an individual life, slum families, especially homeless and widows. In the raining & freezing nights I found many poor people living on roads. They are underprivileged who cannot afford even a blanket and they die without a roof or cloth on their bare bodies. But at the same time, your great donation has given us an opportunity to serve humanity by donating a blanket to the needy. Knowingly or unknowingly you have saved someone's life on a cold winter night through this campaign. Praise the Lord! Proverbs 11:25 'A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.' There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving someone's life through Jesus Love. I shared Jesus love with them and gave them tracts to everyone. I will carry out this mission in India. Once again, thank you for your kind and generous support. Please consider telling your friends and family about our projects. Each Blanket cost is $15.50 USD. Thank you and God Bless you. Please see attached pictures." Ravi Proverb 19:17 "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." Note: Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event - Christmas Celebration Pastor Ravi: "Glory to God for this Christmas Celebration 2021. Praise the Lord for He has come. Just over their mid-year examination, the children enjoyed the Christmas celebration with joy, peace, happiness and blessings through the word of God. They received many gifts, Santa dress, cake, pastry, chips, candy, cream biscuit etc. All of the older children decorated the school hall with frill and ballons. They came early and decorated the entire hall! When we were going to start the christmas celebartion, we heard voices of other children crying outside the school, asking us to open the school door. We went out and saw 18 children there including small, young children, excited to attend the Christmas celebration. When we asked them who invited them here, they said nobody, but they learned that the Children of Hope school celebrates Christmas day and no other school. So, they came here to see how we celebrate Christmas. We started the celebration with an opening prayer and shared John 3:16 as the verse for a sermon. We then shared about why Jesus came to the earth, and what he has done for our sins. All of the Children of Hope School children listened carefully to the Word of God including the other children as well. Ajay, Kuldeep, Lalit, Vijay and Pushpa participated in the message, 'Why we celebrate Christmas.' This was an amazing session and an encouragement to the other children. Ravina, Pushpa and Minakashi did a dance with Christ-is-born songs. The children continued clapping all of the time. We invited special children to cut the Christmas cake including little Prisha. Prisha is youngest girl in school. There were 98 children there including the other school children. We gave gifts and food to all of the children. We arranged for special food on this day. All of the children were very happy to enjoy and give glory to Jesus. Thank you very much for your prayers this Christmas season. God bless you Ravi" Note: Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: "Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me. Don't stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people that are like these children.' Matthew 19:14. On this occasion, the children were inspired to move forward in life and plan a future for themselves. The children were excited to celebrate this day. Since morning, we shared how much God loves children and how precious children are in the sight of God. A quiz program was also organized on this occasion and prizes were given to the winning children. We called upon the youngest age group of children to cut the cake. When they saw how big the cake was, they were excited to taste it. We decorated the school with colorful balloons. We distributed cake pieces, pastry, a biscuit packet, candy and chips, all in a package on this day. The children were very happy to receive all of this and the parents were very thankful to the teaching staff and the Children of Hope School for making a special day for the children. These activities make the children love even more the Children of Hope School. Thank you very much all of you sponsors for funding this wonderful opportunity to celebrate 'Children's Day.' 'Lord, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to people who trust you.' Isaiah 26:3." Note: Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Webmaster: "It is a Special Event every day that our students attend school. Pastor Ravi sent these photos of the children. He took them during our regular health check. Students at the Children of Hope School receive an education they would not otherwise receive, because they live in the slums of Jaipur. We teach them from pre-school through grade six, all made possible by the students' generous sponsors. It all started in 2014. Many of our students have now graduated and some now attend government schools Others, for many reasons, want to continue at COHS. We would like to teach our students beyond an elementary education, preparing them for college or a career in a trade. To do so, we need to hire a new teacher, but the funds are not there. We need your help. We are presently teaching, feeding and encouraging many students who are not yet sponsored. Click on the Children link above. Please look at the children in the following photos. Do you see a child you would like to sponsor? You can help the child out of poverty and give them a future." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: "I hope you all are doing well, in Jesus name. I am very glad to inform you that most of our children have come back to Children of Hope School. This time we have 65 to 70 enrolled. They are coming to school every day. The children are happy to come back to school, but some children are looking too slim. Maybe they have been lacking food. Food is a very important reason for children to come to school. Slum children in India are often deprived of a basic daily meal. As children they are malnourished and sick. Children of Hope School believes in feeding at least one nutritious meal each day to the children on the street and in the slums, thus we have started a food project in school. Children of Hope School is helping them to get back to their proper childhood, education and better life. It gives them a chance to dream again and have hope for the future. It is made possible by the generous sponsors of the children at the Children of Hope School. I am very thankful to them and give Glory to God for the children's improved lives." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event A letter of praise and appreciation from Pastor Ravi. Pastor Ravi: "Praise the Lord for this new day in School. I am very glad to inform you that the Children of Hope School is open! The parents were very happy to send their children to the Children of Hope School and the children were happy too. Every child came with a mask. We sanitized everything before allowing the children to enter the school, and we took the forehead temperature of every child and teacher on the staff. We gave everyone instructions to follow the government's guideline, No Mask No Entry. Now we have started the new session of classes. Soon I will place the order for new books for all of the students. On the first day of school, 42 children came to attend. Praise the Lord! The rest of the students shall join us soon. We learned that some of the children's parents went to their villages. I hope they will come back soon, by the Grace of God. The children were happy to see each other in the school. We lost none of the children due to COVID-19. I give Glory to God for his protection over children. Thank you God. Bible say's "God's timing always perfect." Jesus calls us to care for children and not send them away as insignificant. Children are valuable to Him! In many cultures around the world, children are often abused, neglected and discarded. It is a tremendous blessing to love, serve, and protect the most vulnerable in this world, and to share God's love with them. He is the greatest Protector of all. Praise the Lord for everyone. I want to give thanks to everyone who continued their prayers for Lalit and Tara to enable them to come back to the Children of Hope School. Amazingly, Lalit and Tara came the first day the Children of Hope School was open. This is result of continue prayer for these children. All children were very surprised to see Lalit and Tara on the first day of school. The children realized their fasting and prayers were never wasted for Lalit and Tara to come back to school. This was a great life-changing example for them and it stregthen their faith in Jesus Christ. I want to give thanks to our friends and supporters at Give Back to Humanity who to took this initiative and continued to encouraged me in my efforts to bring Lalit and Tara back to school. Impossible is nothing for our Lord Jesus Christ. Lalit and Tara were very happy to come back to school and meet their friends. When we met Lalit last time in the village, his smile was gone and he had a long face, but now his smile has come back. Glory to God! Religious truth which God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27) James explains, God has special concern for those most vulnerable, those who fall in the margins of society and who are often exploited. God claims to be their protector and James instructs us to follow His example." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: "As a part of my consistent efforts to raise awareness and demonstrate support for environmental protection, Children participated in the One Tree One life Initiative. Man, because of his voraciousness, is carelessly harming the environment without considering the need for it in the future. This has resulted in excessive amount of environmental degradation and deforestation. As quoted by Mahatma Gandhi, "What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another." Planting tree saplings is one of the best ways to restore the damage caused by our carbon emission. The one tree one life initiative encourages an individual to plant at least one tree in his lifetime and not just planting it, but taking care of it for our future generations to remember us. as these green initiatives ensure a better quality of life in the cities. Children planted the sapling of lemon tree, guava tree and mostly herbs tree planted where it can take water every day. Children are promoting this campaign among the slum residents. I explained the importance of planting trees, clean-up campaigns, recycling, reducing the use of plastic bags and reducing our carbon footprint. We all understood that for the welfare of future generations, it is important that we should be involved in such initiatives to save our depleting natural resources. After having planted the tree saplings, we pledged to be more responsible and were proud of owning the city we live in. We believed that we can change our living places to greener ones by adopting a green lifestyle. The campaigns like this surely help cities around the world become more sustainable. These help in reminding us that we all have a role to play to ameliorate the condition of the environment. Children planted 40 trees." Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event (Afterall, Mealtime is a Special Event too!) Pastor Ravi: "Gradually, more children are coming into the school. The children are learning skills, and their new syllabus study. We are missing the younger children. We hope our government will allow all the children to come to school soon. The Students enjoy food in school every day." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: "Gunjan initiated a class to teach the students how to make pizza. This is first time the children even learned about Pizza. They never even tasted it before this. Gunjan said that there is no need for an oven, because these children do not have an oven in their homes. So, Gunjan showed the children how to use a particular pot to make pizza at home. It is easily available at their home. In the class Gunjan used an oven to show children how pizza is typically made and how many kinds of pizza can be made." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: "Last week, we started computer classes again in school. The children are very excited to learn more about computers. Even though they received computer training last year, after the first lockdown period they forgot everything! We are teaching them Basic Computer knowledge. The course includes:
We are using 3 Computer systems with 15 students. The first one is the School's Desktop Computer, the second is GBTH donated Laptop and the third is my personal Laptop. This course will last for 2 months. Although three systems are not enough for 15 students, we still thank God for these donated computers." Note: We've added a feature to the Special Events page. Using your mouse, hover over a photo you want to see up close. Webmaster |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: Hello Everyone in The Christ, Praise the Lord Greeting in Jesus name. India is currently facing a second wave of pandemic - COVID 19. The people all over the Jaipur slum community are experiencing a strict lockdown due to the uncontrolled spread of the virus, and the government, with the help of health workers, is trying its best in controlling the disease. Due to the lockdown every marketing place has been shut and income generation activities are stopped until further notice. The children's families dwelling in the slums who were engaged in the income generating activities now face an economic down fall because of the restrictions. The Children of Hope School supporters are currently supporting these slum families in the form of dry grocery kits. We provided around 50 nutrition kits to their families during this crucial situation. Children and their Parents are truly thankful to all supporters of Children of Hope School. They think that God sent his people to help them in their food crisis. Through this activity, we share Jesus' love with them. We put tracts in every kit. Some children and their Parents are blessed and want to know more about Jesus. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Philippians 1:18 With just $25 USD, a low income slum family in Jaipur, can get essentials like rice, wheat flour, spices, cooking oil, lentils, potato, onion, salt, soap, mask and tracts in every kits. With these products, people in need can prepare meals for 20 days for a 5-member family. The pandemic has been especially hard on the vulnerable communities. Your support really matters. Support Children of Hope School to distribute family Happiness Kits. God works through his people. Psalm 132:15 "The LORD will SATISFY the POOR with FOOD" We are very appreciative to all our generous sponsors and supporters to help provide to the poor families. Please see attached all the pictures. God Bless you. For his Kingdom, Ravi |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: The pandemic has affected the whole world and has put human life in peril. Health workers are trying their level best to ensure the safety of the lives of people. The young girls from Jhalana Doongari, Jaipur slum have also ensured their participation in safeguarding the lives of people by introducing the best quality stitched masks to the market. Since the pandemic affected human life seriously, the demand for masks hiked in the markets, but then the availability of stitched masks with good quality couldn't meet the rise in demand. So, we trained 5 girls who were interested in learning to sew. They were trained to stitch masks without a compromise in their quality. The women introduced the masks of one type: Masks with cloth layers. Masks with cloth layers were more efficient and could be re-used after proper washing. We are happy to announce that this initiative which was started as a short-term livelihood activity, has been sustained till now and is being run successfully without a slight compromise in the quality of the masks. The girls have produced around 700 masks with cloth layers into the market during the lockdown period when the supply of masks couldn't meet the demand. The raw materials for the manufacturing of masks were made available only because of the contributions from the donors from the Children of Hope School. Children of Hope School is helping women to earn a livelihood and sustain their families by stitching cotton masks. Girls in slum areas stitch masks to support their families. Thanks for all the supporter of Children of Hope School. Ravi |
Special Event Pastor Ravi: How lucky are we to not have to worry about drinking water every single day? Although with the current scenario of rivers and dams running dry, even the human race has to worry about access to water some day. Keeping this in mind, we need to also realize that the birds in the sky and the bees that pollinate fruits and vegetables for us to live on through each day with adequate food are perishing and in despair, having no or minimal sources of water. Birds are wondering here and there for water in the summer. Children of Hope School students took the initiative to hang water Parindas on trees for thirsty birds. They hung 20 Parinda's for birds, not only surrounding the school, but also where there are birds in most need of water. The children send this message to their sponsors: "Place a simple shallow earthen bowl, shallow so that the tiny birds don't drown, in your balcony or garden with fresh water for the birds to drink and bathe in." Go with me on this, the sight of beautiful birds quenching their thirst and bathing in the water will satisfy your soul. Ravi |
Special Event This month's Special Event page is focussed on the skills training in tailoring and the beautician courses for the women belonging to the backward sections in the slum area of Jhalana Doongari, Jaipur. The women and I are grateful for your support for these courses for these economically disadvantaged women and adolescent girls through the Children of Hope School.
Without your generous donations it would be very difficult for us to provide livelihood support for the destitute women & young girls. Thanks for supporting these projects giving the women and young girls livelihood opportunities. We have given training to 81 for tailoring training and 21 beautician training to young girls. Also, we have distributed course completion certificates. The women and girls were very happy to receive the certificates. Please see the following pictures. Ravi |
Special Event And now, the food kits have been distributed also by the Children of Hope School teachers, cook and some of the students. As we said below, these Food Kits were funded by our generous supporters. They were delivered to the families in dire need. Just look at all of the families the Children of Hope School has helped! Here is a special message for Pastor Ravi: Hello Everyone in the Lord. As Christians, the Bible is clear throughout its pages that we're called to give generously. Even in the book of Exodus chapter 35, we see the Israelites all generously giving the materials and time to build the tabernacle. If any of those people decided to withhold the materials they owned or the skills they had, the tabernacle wouldn't have come together. Thank you very much. All sponsors and supporters once again have come together for giving urgent support in food for the needy slum families during the second wave of COVID-19 in India. We give Glory to God for this. Praise the Lord ...! In the New Testament God himself gave us his only Son because he loves us so much, and that Son died on a cross for us. It sets a model that generosity in God's people should be sacrificial. "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." Proverbs 22:9 This time, I would like to share some testimonies how God replies to prayers. Student Ajay said, "I do not have hope this time to getting food because I have received food package three-time last year. But when I knew food is going to be distributed once again, I came and helped to make food kits for many families. Thank you God". Student Vijay said, "My parents lost their daily wages jobs in the lockdown period. And there was nothing to prepare at home to eat. I was praying and trusting to God for giving us food again through the Children of Hope School. Now God has done that for me and my family. Thank you Jesus". Student Arbaaj said, "My Parents say the Muslim community never helps in time of lockdown period. The teachering staff and cook are very much thankful for all of the sponsors and supporters who provided funds during this urgent need for food. They are committed to the Children of Hope School always. We have distributed 50 grocery relief kits to slum families. Some school children came along with their parents to receive the grocery kits. The children and their parents were very happy to receive the food kits and gave thanks to Children of Hope School. "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverb 11:25" The Bible is rich in wisdom about God's love for people living in poverty and about our responsibility to help. We love the way Jesus showed us how to care for the poor and oppressed. Let's all pray for the children, the slum families, and the communities of India in need. Let's call upon the Lord in one accord. Prayer -- Savior, we often forget the great price you paid to bring us salvation. You became poor that we might be made rich. How thankful we are for your unspeakable gift. Grow our hearts to reflect your gracious love to others in need. Amen Thank you so much, all Sponsors and Supporter of the Children of Hope School. God Bless you richly. For His Glory, Pastor Ravi Please look at the many pictures to follow. They may load slowly on your computer. |
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Special Event This month's Special Event page is focussed on the recurring need for Food Kits for the Children of Hope School families once again caught up in a government shutdown. |
Families who received $25 Food Kits last year. |
![]() | Pastor Ravi Pahadiya "Thank you for your concern for Children of Hope School students. |